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Harnessing Multi-Channel Advertising to Drive Growth and Efficiency for a Global Food & Beverage Supplier

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The Agency sought ways to assist its client, an international food and beverage giant, in boosting its advertising performance and operational efficiency by exploring multi-channel advertising. 


Going multi-channel is easier said than done. There are multiple challenges to address: 

  1. Fragmentation of Ad Channels and Siloed Execution: The Agency experimented with multiple vendors to advertise across social media, search engines, websites, and apps. However, allocating and adjusting budgets, generating and tweaking creatives for different formats, and setting up targeting configurations were extremely convoluted, complex, and costly due to the varying platform operations and familiarity. 
  2. Complex Execution of Ad Personalization Across Channels: The Agency aimed to implement standardized ad creative personalization across different ad channels to enhance engagement and conversions effectively. This strategy involved leveraging data-driven insights and audience segmentation to tailor ad designs, messaging, and calls-to-action to suit the preferences and behaviors of different audience segments across various digital platforms. This was either impossible or extremely challenging to accomplish even on two ad channels, let alone multiple. 
  3. Non-Availability of Real-Time Reporting for Performance Insights and Decision-Making: The Agency needed insights into ad performance and consumer interactions as quickly as possible, including detailed, real-time data on how different creative assets, geographic regions, audience segments, ad platforms, or ad channels of their campaigns were performing to make timely and data-driven decisions. Real-time and reliable attribution reports were essential for measuring the true impact of the campaigns they were running for their client and accurately calculating ROI (return on investment) across multiple channels. This insight was crucial for demonstrating the value of their advertising efforts and guiding future campaigns. As data was scattered across multiple ad channels and in various formats and metrics, it was a Herculean task just to get the data normalized and consolidated. Having it in real-time was a foregone request. 


Knorex XPO provided the Agency with a robust solution to address the aforementioned challenges and successfully attain their objectives: 

1. Solution to “Fragmentation of Ad channels and Siloed Execution” 

  • Unified Cross-Channel Access for Multi-Channel Advertising: Knorex XPO connects to ad channels in the Open Internet and native platforms (social and search), providing the Agency with unified, seamless access and execution across these channels in one place. 
  • AI-Driven Cross-Channel Strategy Optimization: With seamless cross-channel access, Knorex XPO leverages its built-in AI engine, KAIROS, to efficiently identify and target relevant users across platforms in real-time. Using sophisticated data analysis and machine learning models, Knorex XPO provided optimized bidding strategies to maximize reach at the right time, delivering a 30% uplift in results for conversion and awareness campaigns. 
  • Adaptive Budget Management: KAIROS continuously analyzes performance data to dynamically adjust budget allocations across channels, ad groups, and creatives. This adaptive approach enhanced operational efficiency and facilitated the achievement of key performance indicators (KPIs) through optimized spending strategies.   

2. Solution to “Complex Execution of Ad personalization Across Channels” 

  • Generative AI-Based Creative Usage for Ad Personalization: Knorex KAIROS uses Generative AI technology to dynamically create variants of ad creatives tailored to specific audience segments and real-time performance data. This ensures each ad is compelling and relevant across all channels, maximizing engagement and conversions effectively. 
  • Dynamic Ad Content Adaptation: Using real-time user interaction data, Knorex XPO dynamically adapts ad content to suit evolving audience preferences and behaviors. This adaptive approach ensures that messaging remains relevant and resonant throughout the customer engagement journey, enhancing overall campaign effectiveness. 
  • Consistent and Tailored Messaging in Multi-Channel Advertising: Using AI-driven insights, Knorex delivers targeted messaging at optimal times for each audience with consistency in messaging across different ad channels.   

3. Solution to “Non-Availability of Real-Time Reporting for Performance Insights and Decision-Making” 

  • Unified Real-Time Cross-Channel Pixel Integration: Knorex XPO provided a universal cross-channel pixel to track and capture data seamlessly across search, social, and programmatic channels in real-time. This unified tracking ensures synchronized data collection across channels, providing the Agency with a holistic view of campaign performance. By integrating dynamic insights from diverse sources, Knorex empowers data-driven decision-making with timely and accurate analytics.
  • Live Reporting and Recommendations: Knorex XPO delivers real-time reporting and actionable recommendations, facilitating continuous monitoring and immediate adjustments. By leveraging data-driven insights, Knorex enables proactive optimizations across campaigns, ensuring they remain effective and responsive to dynamic market conditions. 
  • Attribution Reporting: Knorex provides reliable attribution reporting to comprehensively analyze incremental lift and path-to-conversion. This detailed analysis offers deep insights into the effectiveness of each channel and campaign, enabling the Agency to measure ROI accurately. By understanding which marketing efforts drive customer actions, the Agency can optimize budget allocation and refine strategies for their client’s future campaigns. 

These solutions collectively enabled the Agency to pursue execution and optimization across multiple channels, attain real-time understanding of performance, and deliver holistic attribution reporting, thereby enhancing online visibility and driving sales conversions.   


The implementation of Knorex’s holistic cross-channel solutions resulted in substantial improvements: 

  • 51% Increase in impressions year on year (YoY) 
  • 39% Increase in conversion volume YoY
  • 700% Improvement in productivity and efficiency
  • 166% Account growth
  • 162% Increase in media spend YoY 

These results underscore the effectiveness of Knorex’s AI-driven platform in delivering substantial improvements across key performance metrics.

Explore additional success stories in our case studies section: Customer Success with Knorex XPO – Knorex